Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Seventh Day of the Ninth Month in the Two Thousandth and Sixteenth Year A.D.

I feel like I have more drafts than posted blogs. The reason behind that, I think, is because my brain is too scattered. I have so many thoughts written down but I don't take the time to organize them fully. Unless they're properly organized, I post it. Now there is a serious and obvious exception to this rule: List Blogs. I'd say about 90% of my posted blogs are lists about anything. In this format I tend to use a more free spirited, stream of conscious thought. And yes, that also includes poor grammar, bad spelung and proper punctuation will, more often than not, be like Ferris Bueller: Absent.

Now for those of you who don't know, I am an ENTP. That is me. I'm not blogging about the Myers-Briggs evaluation of a person, but if you need to know:
 (Disclaimer: There is a test you take to find out your not base it on the outside criteria as it can be too biased)

But I bring that up because of the E part of the acronym. I am an Extrovert. There is so much commonly insinuated with that word. Introvert and Extrovert. Its something to think about. I do consider myself an extrovert but I am not a far sided extrovert all of the time. I think that is tiring to be outgoing and open. I absolutely love taking time to be quiet, think, and seclude myself. It's the best time to blog and that's where most of my blogs are: in my introvert purgatory (I really wanted to say Intrvergatory). And honestly, most of them will stay there. Sharing them in text form is enough for me. Just get it out there if only for me to read once every few months.

I think that it is important to get what you think out somewhere. I mean, if what you want to share is your opinion on the election, there is a good chance I won't read it no matter where you stand, but you got it out there. Saying your peace is important. Say your peace. That phrase explains it perfectly. On some sort of medium or vehicle, it was said. Its off your chest. Being able to get something out of your head creates a calming sensation for lack of a better description. Maybe lack of sensation. The feeling you get when you are slipping into sleep after working a full day and hitting the gym. Complete relaxation. Your thoughts are on a low, your mind isn't racing. You are able to get what you want to say out. You see people ALL THE TIME do this on Facebook and its why I use Twitter. Shake a bottle of Moon Mist and it'll explode when you open it. Shake a Smart Water, open it and you just have swirling water. It's calm immediately. That's a metaphor (maybe its a simile) and that's as far as I'm going with it.

I guess the whole point of this blog, if one is needed, is that I am going to start posting a bunch of list blogs soon, probably about anime and pro-wrestling. But all my substance is for me. And for anyone who hacks into my gmail account. I leave you with some K-Dot bars from a N9ne track:
"Tell me that you love me, always thinkin' of me
Unconditional, I'm hoping I'm your favourite
Grab a fishing pole and throw me with the sharks
That's the feelin' I get when you're concentratin'
On this pen, on this pad
Tell me you're willin' to diss on my craft
Tell me the feelin' of pickin' apart this track
Puttin' my heart and my soul in these lines
Tellin' me platinum and gold all the time
Lookin' to bury, a deep hole for mine
This is more than you, and this is more than you"

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