Friday, November 1, 2013

Pokemon And Man

If you've every played Pokemon, then yo...

Oh, you're tired of me writing about Pokemon for basically all my blogs? That really sucks.

...u probably have wished with all your might that they were real. 11:11? Wish for Pokemon. Big side of a wishbone? Wish for Pokemon. Find a magic lamp containing a genie voiced by Robin WIlliams in the Cave of Wonder? Pocket Monsters. Found all the Dragonballs? POKEMON. Got terminal cancer and the Make a Wish gives you a wish? Wish for Pokemon, then be severely disappointed.

But we always think of the anime or the video game when yearning for Pokemon to be a reality. Like, "I'd spend so much time training and starting a bond with my Abra. We'll be the best team in the world!" But what about all of the corruptness in the world. If there is anything we know, it's that Pokemon are a reflection of how they were raised. Meaning if Pokemon were real, any Pokemon I owned would probably be really vain AND a huge pussy. So here goes my blog on


First Sad Reality:
Pokemon Would Be Controlled By The Government.

I hate to say it, but they're just too built for this aspect of life that they'd be trained to fight in our military's. I mean, that's what trainers do anyway, but this would most likely be to the death. To most Pokemon, humans with guns would just tear away at them, but then we have Pokemon like Hypno, who is a psychic type, that could literally stop bullets, jets, missles, etc. Let's take their powers one step further. Who's to say a well trained Hypno or any psychic type couldn't just tear people in half with their abilities? Crazy stuff. So governments having Pokemon in the military would probably mean they couldn't be owned privately. Probably means they're all raised in training camps to be turned into war machines.

*Whiskey Break*


 I imagine Pokemon in real life as guns now. The government can have as many as they feel necessary. However, if we want a Pokemon, even as a pet, we have to get licensed. There'd be restrictions on evolutions, types, levels, moves, etc. Pokemon are just too powerful. Do you think we'd be allowed to own Porygon? Those dudes can go into computers and hack stuff and get gov intel. A squad of Butterfree can fly over a city using poison powder and almost instantly kill off an entire population. Its scary.

Pokemon Would Be Used In Gangs

So you have Bloods and Crips. Red and Blue. Fire and Water. Each side would be using Pokemon on the streets to "solve their differences". Consider all of the innocent deaths because of a Blizzard attack in the middle of a street fight. I don't think Pokemon attacks are as centralized as they make them seem. Also, Earthquake? Not exactly a move that will stay in the battle. This one isn't hard to believe because even the game version has had a new gang every single generation.


 Pokemon Used For Gambling

This isn't as much of an evil as it is why they're being trained in the first place. Races. Fights. All sorts of competition. I picture Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan in a Kick Boxing Championship. Then the questionable part comes into play. Owner says, "Hitmonchan is the best puncher, Hitmonlee the best kicker. Why not breed them together?" Now we have crossbreeding and turning pure Pokemon into monsters. YEAH. MONSTERS. Who's to say that crossbreeding won't lead to health defects. Solution? Lab Testing on Pokemon. No matter how you spin it, its bad.

Okay, so now that I took away all of the good things about Pokemon that you thought there were, let me throw a new one out. 

 The Aging of Pokemon.

Obviously this topic means Pokemon will die. So that is sad. But most things die, its a truth we try to come to terms with. But, some Pokemon can defy age. 

You're a child. You catch a Caterpie. You raise it for a few years after it becomes a Butterfree. By the time you're a teen, I can imagine this Butterfree isn't with you any longer. But Ghost Pokemon can't die bc they're already "dead". Voltorb and Porygon are man made. Like Ders referring to his Volvo, if you keep up with the maintenance, these Pokemon last forever. Legendaries, I'd assume, are immortal because how could there be legends about something that hasn't been through quite a bit. Now, most Pokemon probably have lifespans comparable to ours. Your original three starters fully evolved I bet live to be round 100. Same for most. Imagine this scenario: You are a child. One Christmas, your parents get you a Vulpix. You and this Vulpix are best friends. Fucking Bert and Ernie in this bitch. You turn 16, you get a fire stone. Now you have a Ninetails. Fast forward through many great years and experiences together. You are on your death bed. Your daughter is holding your hand until you fade away.Your Ninetails lays at the foot of your bed. What happens to Ninetails? Well, Ninetails lives around 1000 years. So the bond you had with your Ninetails will be carried through daughter and eventually a good chunk of your blood line. You can rest easy knowing your best friend is taking care of the most important people in your life. It's a beautiful sentiment really.

Alright, wipe your tears and tell me what you think of all this gibberish. Agree? Disagree? WHY!?!?!?!?!?

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