Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Thanksgaining!

 Fall is here and so is the end to whatever lucrative diet you were on to maintain your crazy 8 pack. Relieving is one way to put it, but when they slowly disappear, you start to feel a little withdrawal. Fitness buffs are very vulnerable and emotional people...we just have strong feelings for things like food and striations. But as the winter approaches, we must prepare for something we in the muscle biz like to call

Bulking Season
It's the most wonderful time of the year, but we don't have any songs for it. Bulking season is the time of the year when you don't really have your shirt off in public much like you would at a beach during the summer. So during this time you get to spend more quality time on getting huge. Think of it this way: You are a fruit. Pick one, I don't care. So, in the Fall and Winter is when you bulk, or Ripen. This is when you get juicy and plump and awesome. Spring rolls around and it's now time to get ready for the Farmer's Market, i.e. Summer. Spring is when you get Peeled, to keep the fruit analogy going. Then Summer. If you've been tested for hollowness, spots, and how soft your rind is, you could be selected by that hot MILF and taken home to sit in her table bowl as a show piece during girls night.

So, how do you celebrate Bulking Season?

Cheat Meals become Cheat Days. A cheat meal was one reward meal you treated yourself to to keep you sane on your all water and Isopure diet. Stretch that out over a whole day to get those necessary calories to get you through a week's worth of training. Cheat meals are okay when its just like a burger. Burgers are great. But you only get 1 day to eat whatever you want. Make it memorable! A good friend posted a picture of his cheat dinner the other day. And it was this:
An all meat pizza with Pizza Rolls. Food Porn. Pizza Boner. I'm going to one up him this Sunday by adding an upside-down pizza on top and making it a Pizza Roll Pizza Sandwich. CAN'T WAIT.

 Go shopping for clothes! This weather, commonly known as "Sweater Weather", is perfect for giant, buff dudes. Sweaters and thermals, when sized right, look awesome and still show off all your hard work. The best part? The fact that they keep you warm means your muscles keep their size. BRO SCIENCE. Personally, I'm going to be buying all of these sweatshirts.

Seasonal Girlfriends! Call 'em cuddle buddies if you wanna, but there are plenty of girls out there LOOKING FOR SOMEONE JUST LIKE YOU. A guy who is getting huge who is probably going to get a little fluffy and be a little insecure. That's you for sure, you giant stud you. She wants a big meat mountain to keep her warm and safe during the winter. Its in their nature. And they almost always look the those girls above too so you're all set.

Bulking season, cuddle weather, Fall. Whatever you wanna call it, it's here and ready to be embraced. GET HUGE.

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