Monday, September 9, 2013

Poppin' Cherries

I am a fairly new and unofficial resident to the debatably great city of Ypsilanti, MI. Coming from Michigan's fantasy town of Holland, Ypsilanti has posed more of a struggle to adjust to than I would have liked.

Holland is a beautiful place known for it's Dutch heritage. More specifically its tulips and windmills. However, if you image Google search "Ypsilanti tourist attractions", a common result is the, "Iconic Ypsilanti Water Tower". I've been here for a little over a week, and the only things I've heard it called are "Stone Boner" and "Cock Rock", because...well,

My house is so close to this "water tower" that I could in fact be living in Ypsilanti's taint.

Contrary to what I've probably led you to believe on how I feel about this area, I moved here by choice because of what Holland lacked in sentient interaction. There, I had more friends than I was comfortable with. I'm kind of a shitty person and there is no reason for that many people to like me. I had a few close friends whom I do miss, and even more bar friends who, when I drink, I miss equally. But the fact that people were great to me all the time just gave me the feeling dat dey be frontin'. This was later confirmed when I found out/was informed about a close friend/old roommate who would talk behind my back anytime he was presented with opportunity. Ypsi provides me with an area filled with people who just don't give a shit that I exist and if they have a reason to tell me so, won't hesitate. Painful to some, painfully refreshing to me.

Other than me having an excuse to post a picture of a man-made stone penis, I'm going to use this blog to talk about my new experiences and, more than likely, my very random thought processes.

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